
Repository for the subject OS (Term 2020/2021)

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Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. Brief introduction to Operating Systems Security
    This article is basically a summarization of whats in Silberschatz’s chapter 16, with a little addition on its substance. The content/materials are displayed in points, with each points has short and easy-to-understand definitions.

  2. Network Attacks and Network Security Threats
    This was actually an advertisement for Cynet, a product that offers protection in network-level security system/environment. Although the ads’ purpose was obviously to sell the products, but the article also offers a good & comprehensive explanation on what are the possible threats available in network-level security & what steps of measurement should be taken in order to prevent the attacks/threats or to minimize the effects.

  3. Types of Network Security Attacks
    As we may already know, there are several types of network-level security attacks. This blog article by eccounalsocil.org explains on what are the most common types of network-level security attacks, including virus, malware, worm, phishing, DoS, etc.

  4. Terms/Glossary regarding Information Security
    As previously mentioned on last week’s top ten, my usual approach upon entering new topic is to familiarize myself with the terms related/within the topic. This website provides a glossary of terms related to the topic of Information Security, while it isn’t particularly titled terms regarding OS/Network Security, but it also has some definitions of terms that intersect between those two titles.

  5. Cryptography Crash Course
    A crash course explaining the topic Cryptography. This video is served in a rather refreshing manner, with the explanation consists of the history of Cryptography, and Cryptography from the perspective of Computer Science & OS/Network security.

  6. What is GnuPG and How do I use it?
    This is a very brief article, explaining the differences between public vs private keys, and how to deal with GPG (generate, import, export, encrypt, and decrypt a message).

  7. GnuPG Handbook
    An official documentation for GnuPG. Includes more detailed explanation on the how-to(s), concepts, and usecases of GPG/GnuPG.

  8. Introduction to SHA (Secure Hash Algorithms)
    A wikipedia-like page of the subject SHA. According to this page, SHA is a subset of Cryptographic functions which designed to keep data secured. Within the page, there are also mentioned the types of SHA and an explanation to each types.

  9. Differences between SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-256
    This article offers a more detailed and comprehensive explanation on what are the differences between each types of SHA.

  10. A guide to Firewall
    Firewall for me was a term that has been very familiar on my dictionary for ages. I used to play a lot of pirated games (oops :D) back in my elementary and junior high days, an if one wants to install cracked/pirated games on their pc/machine, they first need to disable the firewall on the settings. But then again, I never really know what is Firewall, and what are the uses/functions of firewall up until now. The article provided contains the explanation of what is firewall, how does it work, and what are the types of firewall.