
Repository for the subject OS (Term 2020/2021)

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Top 10 List of Week 05

  1. How To Automount File Systems on Linux
    This page offers a tutorial on how to mount a windows fat/ntfs partition automatically everytime the system boot up. The step is actually very simple, you only need to add a line or two on /etc/fstab, with the line consists the information of a certain partition you’d like to mount.

  2. How to run executables (including using yarn/npm commands & compile C programs) in a mounted partition
    This was actually an issue I’ve been having for quite some time. The issue was I couldn’t run all of my npm/yarn projects on my shared partition drive with the error saying “permission denied”. The strange thing was it worked just fine on my linux’ system drive. And this issue then also occured when I tried compiling C programs on the same partition. I just found out about this solution, and it really came in handy as I was actually a bit frustrated because of the issue.

  3. Mount filesystem commands on Linux
    The lines added on fstab as mentioned on the previous number is quite similar with mount command. With both the line and mount commands uses similar flag. This page helps me to understand more about how to mount a drive/partition directly using the commands/setting up the fstab using the similar commands.

  4. What is Virtual Memory
    This is a very comprehensive article about Virtual Memory. It provides a systematic explanation about what is Virtual Memory and how does it work. The page also provides some video explanation about what are the types of Virtual Memory available and paging/segmentation with or without VM.

  5. Paging and Virtualization using Virtual Memory
    This is the video provided in the searchstorage page/article as mentioned on the previous number.

  6. How to write into file using C program
    In this week’s demo, we are asked to run the c program inside the given tarball. The c program doesn’t give any output on the shell, but instead, it writes the output into myW05.txt file. I then decided to do GSGS a little more about how the whole process of writing into file using C program work.

  7. More on Virtual Memory
    More explanation for this week’s main star: Virtual Memory. This one is from gfg.

  8. What’s new in Pop_OS! 20.10
    Pop_OS! just released their newest release even before Ubuntu release their codename groovy gorilla version (I’m mentioning this since Pop_OS! is an Ubuntu based distro). This update doesn’t really excite me since I’m doing just fine with my current 20.04 release version, and the main highlight of this update is the improvement on windows tiling feature. And guess what, I don’t really use the tiling feature so yeah…

  9. More on Virtual Memory (2)
    Even more explanation for this week’s main star. This one is from tutorialspoint.

  10. Pop_OS! 20.10 official thread on reddit
    An official reddit thread for Pop_OS! 20.10 discussion on r/pop_os. As you can probably see on the replies, there are dozens of people that are having some issues with the new update. Lucky I haven’t updated mine yet :D