
Repository for the subject OS (Term 2020/2021)

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Top 10 List of Week 08

  1. What is CPU Scheduling?
    Quoting from the source: “CPU scheduling is a process which allows one process to use the CPU while the execution of another process is on hold(in waiting state) due to unavailability of any resource like I/O etc, thereby making full use of CPU. The aim of CPU scheduling is to make the system efficient, fast and fair.”

  2. CPU Scheduling
    A summarization from OSC’s ch 5 by the University of Illinois, Chicago. actually i’m not sure whether it is a summarized version or not. haha

  3. CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
    Imma just go ahead and quote this explanation of why do we need scheduling by gfg: “typical process involves both I/O time and CPU time. In a uni programming system like MS-DOS, time spent waiting for I/O is wasted and CPU is free during this time. In multi programming systems, one process can use CPU while another is waiting for I/O. This is possible only with process scheduling”

  4. Types of CPU Scheduling Algorithms
    I believe the title is pretty much self explanatory. The article describes each algorithm in points and then proceed to give examples in the form of table.

  5. What is Linux swap?
    A video explaining the concept of swap partition in linux. The video covers the explanation of swap (duh), use cases, swap partition vs swap file, and the how-tos.

  6. A Wikipedia page on Linux From Scratch
    The backstory of this was while I was really fed up by the errors and problems from the lfs installation (debian netinst software installation problem, couldn’t create tunnel, username not showing on bash, md5sum assertion error). And then I just realized, all these troubles I go through but I didn’t really understand whats the point of lfs and why do we build a linux system from scratch IN AN EXISTING DEBIAN INSTANCE.

What I would like to highlight from this wikipedia page is: “Linux From Scratch is a way to install a working Linux system by building all components of it manually.”. Which answers just a tiny bit of my curiosity.

  1. A Medium article on Linux From Scratch
    Now this is an article I could actually benefit to answer my curiosity. This article covers the history and overview of LFS, the steps of setting up LFS, and the benefits of going through all the hassle installing linux from scratch. Oh and it also provides a further explanation on linux os and distros.

and now i just want to point out that

FINISHED –2020-11-30 22:53:56– Total wall clock time: 29m 28s Downloaded: 88 files, 423M in 27m 12s (265 KB/s)

it took a legnthy half an hour only to install 400mbish pkgs asdfsgh

  1. AHCI vs IDE vs RAID
    so the context is my current daily driver is a lenovo laptop from 2017 which runs on a 5400 rpm hdd and has no ssd installed. so to summarize my laptop isn’t the sharpest tool compared to todays laptop. i mean it reaaallyy is slow, especially when running windows and opening files. but then i changed to linux, and the deal was to change the interface of the sata from raid to ahci, but guess what? aside from the overall performance of linux that tops my old experience w/ windows, it took me 4+++ minutes to boot on windows. so i suspect that this is happening due to i changed the interface to ahci (although i didn’t really know what is ahci and intel raid up until now)

  2. 1984 Macintosh launch
    As seen on fassbender’s steve jobs movie I recently watched haha

  3. First Macbook Air Launch
    mans really just went ahead and pull a laptop out of an envelope smh smh